dance photography from a dancer's perspective
A dancer for 17 years, I know the passion, artistry, and time that goes into making a dancer. As a photographer, my purpose is to be a friend and advocate of the dance community in the San Diego area by providing dancers, studios and companies with superior images to preserve and promote the art of dance. Each session I shoot is a collaboration between dancer and photographer, and dance photography is my passion.
Once a Dancer, Now a Photographer of Dancers
If you've made it this far, you're likely a dancer, so I don't have to waste space telling you how special it is to dance. I danced for 17 years, and formed a post-modern dance group, 456 Speed-Up, where I choreographed, performed, and toured; I loved every dancing moment of it.
Now, those days are well behind me. What I have from that time are a handful of newspaper clippings and photographs – poorly lit, out of focus, and ill-composed. A low priority when I was dancing, these dance photos are so very precious to me now, my only link to some of the best years of my life.
Dance photography is my return home to the world of dancers, choreographers, studios, rehearsals, and performances. My purpose now is to provide dancers, their families, the studios that train them, and the companies they perform for, with fine art portraits that illustrate, promote, and celebrate their artistry. The kind of images I wish I had from my dancing days.
Thanks for visiting, and I look forward to working with you soon.